Thursday, December 08, 2011

the pondering heart . . . the wonder . . . 12/8/11

Dear Holy Friends,
Christmas is such a wonder. And while many tell me that Easter is the more holy holiday, there is something magic about Christmas. And without it, there would be no Easter. I also do not get drawn into the arguments over the fact that December 25 is also a pagan day. And, as in our country white is the color of purity, while in India it is the color of mourning; neither is wrong or right.
I believe celebrating our Savior's birth is way more important than when. So, maybe we can all go back and focus on the wonder.
In his Grip, Chandra
The Wonder
Fresh hay has a fragrant smell
but manure can overpower.
I wonder what was in the air
at Jesus' birthing hour?
Animals give off body heat
but they also snort and groan.
I wonder was it warm and quiet
as pains made Mary moan?
Childbirth is a miracle of life
but it brings blood and pain.
I wonder how Mary found comfort
as birth caused her body to strain?
Christmas is a wonder
Love came down to earth.
But may I never take lightly
the humble way of my Savior's birth.
~Chandra Lynn Smith~

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