Sunday, December 25, 2011

the pondering heart . . . fingers and toes . . . 12/25/11

Dear Holy Friends,
We came back from midnight services last night and took our Baby Jesus that stays out of the mange all of December, placed Him in the manger and sang Happy Birthday to Him. I love the beauty of Christmas Eve and the peacefulness of the morning before the others are up. ( and now that they are not young . . . they don't wake early at all. yay!) So, this morning I can ponder what it was like when Mary held her baby.
In His Grip, Chandra

Fingers and Toes

Ten fingers, ten toes,

dark hair, crinkled nose,

tiny feet, soft skin,

dark eyes, little chin,

sleeping peacefully, crying loud,

beautiful baby, parents proud.

Baby's breathing, pounding heart,

perfect child, joy starts,

baby noises, bright eyes,

tiny movements, contented sighs,

sleep interrupted, time compressed,

life enriched, family blessed.

Every parent feels this way,

long ago and still today,

Holy night in a manger stall,

God on earth in a babe small,

I bet his mother kissed His nose

and counted fingers and tiny toes.

~Chandra Lynn Smith!

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