Monday, December 12, 2011

the pondering heart . . . ready? . . . 12/12/11

Dear Holy Friends,
Are you ready? Am I? The question can be taken more than one way and that determines the answer. But when it comes to Christmas, somehow I think even the people involved that blessed night were not necessarily ready. Have you ever thought about that? So, if you are feeling very unready for Christmas to be here in thirteen days, you are in good company!
In his Grip, Chandra

I think of the teenager

talking to the angel

and wonder if she knew

it would mean a manger?

I look at Joseph

respect could be lost

did he ever think

it would lead to the cross?

I see the innkeeper

who turned them away

when did he realize

his Savior was born that day?

I wonder if the shepherds

in the fields that night

saw the star and understood

it pointed to One true light?

I look in my heart

search inside my soul

am I ready for Jesus' birth

the One who makes me whole?


~Chandra Lynn Smith~

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