Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pondering Heart . . . Joseph Ponders

Dear Holy friends,
Today I heard all of the lovely contemporary songs about Joseph. I love the line, ' how can a man be father to the son of God?' Maybe it's because I have four sons, but I often ponder Joseph and the amazing man he had to be. I hope to sit with him in heaven one day and have a talk. You know? So, this poem is my concept of Joseph's point of view.
In his Grip, Chandra
Joseph Ponders
I watch her grow and change each day,

She gets more lovely if there is a way.

This woman puts me to shame,

her faith great, mine looks lame.

How can she be strong yet mild,

a woman outside but inside a child?


Father, I know you foretold this would be.

just never expected it would happen to me.

Now, as I see Mary, I worry for her safety,

some women die when they have a baby.

It wouldn't fit your plan for her to die,

but I still worry, don't know why.


What does she feel when the babe moves inside?

Will I be a Father in whom he can confide?

How will it feel to hold Him to my heart?

Will you show me Lord, please give me a start?

Am I doing right are You glad You chose me?

Help me be the man you wish me to be.


The sun rises, our journey begins,

I must protect Mary from the harsh winds.

She takes each challenge with joy in her heart,

I am thankful in this plan I have a part.

When she smiles and says "Joseph the Lord is here."

I am ready to go on boldly and without fear.


~Chandra Lynn Smith~

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