Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pondering Heart . . . I Wonder

Dear Holy Friends,
All around us people are already getting ready for the 'next thing.' Only four days after Christmas and so many have already taken their decorations down. I'm one of those who hangs on until January 6th so the wise men will arrive to a house still festive! But it isn't so much the decorations coming down that bothers me as it is the push for what is next and the loss of the magic. May we NEVER lose the magic that points us toward the cross.
In His Grip, Chandra
I Wonder


Fresh hay has a fragrant smell

but manure can overpower.

I wonder which was in the air

at Jesus' birthing hour?


Animals give off body heat

but they also snort and groan.

I wonder was it warm and quiet

as pains made Mary moan?


Childbirth is a miracle of life

but it brings blood and pain.

I wonder how Mary found comfort

as birth caused her body to strain?


Christmas is a wonder

Love came down to earth.

May I never take lightly

the way of my Savior's birth.
~Chandra Lynn Smith~

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