Monday, December 10, 2012

Pondering Heart: A Manger Look . . .12/10/12

Dear Holy Friends,
We all do it . . . wear the happy face when things are way less than that. Whether we can't share or won't or just think our issues aren't important, we tend to hide the real difficult things from others. But, this time of year more than others I think the increased stress makes us cover the rough things even more. But, one look at the manger and the birth of Grace can bring us all to our knees in prayer and praise.
in His grip,
A Manger Look
I'm okay
doing well
facing things
can't you tell?
not to worry
it's all okay
know I can make it
through this day . . .
facade crumbles
weary heart
when I give it up
my healing starts.
see the manger
drop to my knees
the Savior born
meets all my needs.
~Chandra Lynn Smith, 11/29/12~

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