Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pondering Heart: Head Full of Thoughts

Dear Holy Friends,
We are down to the last few days. I have not finished shopping and that's okay. I enjoy last minute shopping. I try to smile at those who aren't smiling. I started some of my baking Thursday and one of my sons said, "I wondered when you'd start making cookies!" Today my house will smell like cookies and breads. Yum. I don't know how many days Mary and Joseph traveled before arriving and labor beginning. But the next few days poems' will be some of my older ones about the journey and the birth.
in His grip,
Head Full of Thoughts
sleep eluding
baby moving
leg cramps at night,
body bloating
emotions floating
dreams filled with fright,
world changing
life rearranging
not ready at all,
packing gear
time is near
that donkey looks so small,
faith wavering
home savoring
soon is time to go,
Lord blessing
peace caressing
following the unknown.
~Chandra Lynn Smith~

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