Friday, March 22, 2013

Just For Today . . .The Days Between . . .3/22/13

Dear Holy Friends,
I must admit I sometimes wonder if sending poems every day is a bit too much. But, I have recently had a few requests for more poems. Since I focused on advent during December, it seems appropriate I do an Easter week theme. So, here you go . . .
In His Grip, Chandra
The Days Between
He entered town in victory
    cheering and jubilant song,
They waved palms and shouted
    so when did it go wrong?
Yet, amidst the joy that day
    He knew what would come,
How could he smile and celebrate
    knowing what would be done?
He rode in with joy
    loving everyone He met,
Could any of us do that
    love those we knew would forget?
Thinking of how He spent His last week
    healing and teaching wondrous things,
I don't think I could give myself
    aware of what the week's end would bring.
This week we remember His entry
    the joyous and happy day,
Next week we look to His arising
    from death to show us the Way.
But, do not forget the days between
    which he walked with mercy and grace.
Because of Him and all He did
    in heaven I have a place.
~Chandra Lynn Smith~

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