Tuesday, March 26, 2013

just for today . . .a mother's heart . . .3/26/13

Dear Holy Friends,
During Advent we ponder Mary and Joseph and the baby. I believe historians tells us Joseph was dead by the time Jesus was crucified. That left Mary to ponder things all alone. Being a mother of four sons her heart really touches mine. How did she make it through that week, for she knew what God said about her son?
In His Grip, Chandra
the mother's heart
From the day he was born
    she pondered things,
Treasured moments and days
    filled with good things.
How quickly did the joy
    from Sunday fade?
Did she wish someone
    His place would trade?
From His first breath she'd known
    this sad day would come.
But maybe she had hoped
    God would spare His Son.
With the crowd she rejoiced
    it was God's Plan.
Her Son would make way the
    salvation of man.
She knew that week God's will
    would be done,
How hard to grasp the truth
    her Savior was her Son.
~Chandra Lynn Smith, 3/26/13~

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