Thursday, March 28, 2013

just for today . . .the start of that day . . .3/28/13

Dear Holy friends,
It is cloudy here in PA today. To me that is so very appropriate for what this days is. I woke this morning thinking of the day ahead then I wondered what happened when Jesus woke on this day all of those years ago.
in His grip,
Chandra Lynn Smith
The Start of That Day
On this day how did my Savior wake?
How did He face the coming heartbreak?
How did He manage to walk through the day?
How could He face the man who would betray?
Cause I sit here dealing with my stuff,
and tell myself it's too hard, too rough.
I could wallow and pout the day away,
and not see what the cross has to say.
Mercy flowed to me and took my sin,
He hung there so I could enter in.
Grace washes over my heart and soul,
I'll not forget how He died to make me whole.
~Chandra Lynn Smith, 3/28/13~

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