Friday, November 18, 2011

Just For Today . . . calm the storm or us . . . 11/18/11

Dear Holy Friends,
    This week has been a struggle. And something tells me I am not the only one who has struggled this week. Storms come to us in all sizes and forms. They blow us around and beat us up and tear into our hearts. At the end of a week like this my husband and I look at each other and say "It was a long month this week." Has your week been a long month? I need to remember when the storms are here he is with me. I need to run to Him before I vent. So, today's poem is about storms.
In His Grip, Chandra
Calming Storms Or Us
Is there a storm brewing in your life

that you asked Him to take away?

Are you filled with worry and stress

not sure what you should say?

Sometimes He chooses to calm the storm

and make the rough times cease.

Other times calming us in the midst of it

is how our faith will increase.

He is there beside you right now

will help you see it through.

He asks you give all of it to Him

don't rely so much on you.

When you open your heart and release

the storm into His hands.                                      

He'll either calm it or he'll calm you

as you trust in His plans.


~Chandra Lynn Smith, edited 11/18/11~

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