Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just For Today . . . Reason To Sing . . . 2/27/11

Dear Holy Friends,
    I haven't posted poems recently. This entire month has been a whirlwind. My father is in stage four cancer and helping him has been the focus. The emotions, feeling, thoughts in my head jumble, and while I am writing lots, it hasn't been poetry. But this morning, I filled my bird feeders and within minutes all my birds were there. I sat and watched them and thanked God for the joy those birds bring me every morning.
Reason To Sing
Sometimes my mind has no word
    to describe how I feel inside
        how there's so much to face
            and wonder if I could hide.
Sometimes there are many words
    fighting for the space in my head
        each one legitimate
            but filling my heart with dread.
Then my Father reminds me
    He is bigger than what I face
        catches every tear
            His love covers me with grace.
The birds at my feeder know
    sun, moon, and stars all understand
        everything in life
            filters through His loving hands.
When trials threaten to choke 
    try to drag happiness away
        Jesus whispers to me
            His joy forever stays.
In my heart I am aware
    no matter what this day will bring
        I can walk it in faith
            He'll give me reason to sing.
~Chandra Lynn Smith, 2/26/11~

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