Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just For Today . . . darkness . . . 10/27/10

Dear Holy Friends,
    I have a friend named Julie whose mother just passed away. Her father died two years ago. Two weekends ago we caught up in the grocery store and I just held her some while she cried. There are others I know who suffer loss, sadness, depression. This poem is for anyone who finds the darkness calling to them. Even in the dark times, Jesus is there with you. Always remember that.
In His Grip, Chandra

Darkness comes in many forms

as sleep that provides rest

but sometimes it swallows whole

squeezing air out of your chest

and as you lie there gagging

you decide it is for the best . . .                      


Darkness can weigh you down

push you into a deep hole

hold you so tightly

you have no control

of thoughts or actions or

any part of your soul . . .


And when the darkness gets this big

it becomes all you can see

you cannot find a safe place

where you can be free

the darkness is all there is

and becomes all you can be . . .


They will tell you to get over it

it is all going to pass

you choke and strangle

and know it is going to last

and no one else could ever know

the feeling you cannot get past . . .


I know this darkness you are in

because I have lived in it too

I know the things you feel

what they make you want to do

I know it seems no end in sight

and no way for any rescue . . .


Friend, I sit here on the edge

of the darkness looking at your face

I know you are feeling                      

you cannot escape this place

so I will jump in with you

and wipe the tears off of your face . . .


No matter what you face this day, I bet you have a friend ready to jump in and face it with you. And I know you have Jesus to carry you. God bless your hearts.

Chandra Lynn Smith

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